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The Broadway Green Alliance Announces Launch Of Green Captains Program On College Campuses Across The United States

The Broadway Green Alliance (BGA) announced today the launch of the BGA College Green Captain program, building on the successful Broadway Green Captain program.

On Broadway, volunteer Green Captains on nearly every show work behind the scenes to improve the environmental performance of their productions, with support from the BGA and other Broadway Green Captains. Green Captains represent a cross-section of the Broadway community, ranging from stars to crew members.

The BGA College Green Captain program will provide resources for greening collegiate theatre productions, as well as a link to the Broadway community and other colleges enhancing the environmental profile of their productions. It was launched at the 2013 United States Institute for Theatre Technology (USITT) annual conference.

Each College Green Captain will receive a "kit" complete with a list of more environmentally friendly practices that can be put into place immediately, most of which are used now on Broadway. Green Captains will be able to "ask the BGA" theatre professionals for advice on topics ranging from greener lighting to use of rechargeable batteries to set recycling and reuse options. In addition, Green Captains will be able to share green ideas with Broadway Green Captains, other college Green Captains, and our off-Broadway and regional members.

Tony Award winner and BGA Pre/Post Production Co-Chair, Donyale Werle, will be making a presentation at USITT that will include information about the new program. BGA Education Committee Co-chairs, Michael Mehler of Allegheny College and Paul Brunner of Indiana University, are also making presentations on green theater at the conference.

"We are thrilled to work with college theatre professionals and students throughout the country, sharing greener practices used on Broadway and at other schools," said Charlie Deull, co-chair of the BGA. "We look forward to engaging with this generation of future theatre professionals during their college years."

BGA Membership is open to anyone; any theater professional, theater student, or theater fan. For more information please email green@broadway.org or see the BGA's website BroadwayGreen.com.