
This login is for members of The Broadway League, who are primarily theatre owners and operators, producers, presenters, and general managers in North American cities, as well as suppliers of goods and services to the commercial theatre industry.

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Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
Speaker Series

The Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Committee has developed a new speaker series, entitled Listen. Learn. Act: Conversations about Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion. The goal of this series is to allow us to come to a better understanding of one another by listening to and learning from different stories, whether they be told by prominent individuals in our industry, or leaders in the Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion arena sharing what they’ve learned from working in the field.

The League believes that the stories and viewpoints offered by the speakers here are critically important to building an equitable and inclusive community for all.  While the perspectives and points of view are varied in nature, the League does not intend to endorse any particular viewpoints or statements made by the speakers, but rather supports the dialogue and the need for a forum in which these important issues are discussed.

The Broadway League has partnered with Invest in Access to provide ASL Interpretation services for these events.

Visit diversity.broadway to watch recordings of the sessions.